Testing tech (3/2/24)
- C4D
- Sky, set luminance to HDR
- Floor
- Standard renderer
- Spherical camera
- Equirectangular, Lat-Long
- Set navigation (LAT -180º, 180º / LONG -90º, 90º)
- Camera coords: 0 for everything except Y (eye level)
- AE
- Import image (sequence comp for animated)
- VR Comp Editor
- Tracking for motion graphics / text
- Output / Render
- Media Encoder: set as VR video
- Spatial Media Metadata Injector
- Audio
- Experimented with ambisonic sound
- Not necessary, leaving for the end
VR Test #1
VR Test #1
- Issues
- Bad quality
- Distortion
- Objects shouldn’t be too close to camera
VR Test #2
VR Test #2
- Issues
- GPU can’t handle more than 6k
- Quality is much better
- More render time in C4D and AME
- Says around 20 mins for YT to analyse 4k+ but actually took 5ish
- Around 15 mins total w no mats, so not too bad
Sketches (5/2/24)
Bubble Pop
The Tunnel of Love
The Carousel of Charlatans
Ticket Stand
In C4D class:
- CMD+D > Project > View Clipping (to see more on zoom out)
- Visible light: like light shining through fog/smoke
- use for hazy lighting (e.g. tunnel of love)
Initial modelling (6/2/24)